Custom Firefox addons

This project has a set of custom Firefox addons similar from rycee’s NUR repo. In fact, it uses the same tooling as rycee’s to generate my own list.

To get started, you’ll have to create an input file containing the addons. In the project, this is found in ./pkgs/firefox-addons.json. For reference, here’s my current list of Firefox addons.

    "slug": "updateswh"

    "slug": "zhongwen"

    "slug": "get-rss-feed-url"

    "slug": "regretsreporter"

    "slug": "simple-translate"

    "slug": "tineye-reverse-image-search"

    "slug": "google-container"

    "slug": "sourcegraph-for-firefox"

But you’re not done yet, you have to generate the output with the following command.

mozilla-addons-to-nix pkgs/firefox-addons/firefox-addons.json pkgs/firefox-addons/default.nix

Then add the generated output into your package list at ./pkgs/default.nix. At this point, you should be done.