Adding Your Own JS Libraries


Adding it sitewide

This theme allows you to quickly include your own set of third-party (or your own) libraries on the whole site by providing a data file named libraries (i.e. libraries.json, libraries.yaml, libraries.toml) in your data folder.

The data libraries should hold a list of objects with specific keys.

Here’s the keys/fields that the theme looks for:

Key Data type Description Optional



Describes whether it’s a CSS or JS library. Only accepts possible values: js and css.



The URL of the script to be referred. Accepts absolute URL (such as CDN links) and relative links (such as the scripts in the static folder).



Indicates the precedence of the script. The less weight value, the higher the precedence so any important scripts should have the least weight value.



Includes the script to be a part of the DOM rendering, bringing down the perceived page performance.




Makes the script to be deferred. Once the field value is true, the script will be deferred no matter what.


As you might tell, the scripts will be delivered asynchronously (with the async attribute) by default.

If you want finer control with how the scripts are delivered, I recommend to modify the script partial (at theme/$THEME_NAME/layouts/partials/script.html).

Adding scripts for a specific post

If you plan on future-proofing your content, I recommend to embed it on the document itself than relying on the frontmatter since this is a theme-specific feature and may present some problems if you migrate it somewhere else. For Markdown, you can simply write raw HTML with it. On Asciidoctor, you can simply embed it with a passthrough block. You also gain finer control on embedding your scripts this way.

In order to add specific JS libraries, you need the libs object in the frontmatter. It should hold an object named js where it holds an array of URLs of the libraries.

Let’s say you’re writing a post on p5.js. You can include it in the frontmatter like the following:

title: "Trying out p5.js"
date: 2019-09-10T15:26:52+08:00


Take note that scripts loaded this way are executed first before the sitewide libraries and linked with async attribute. If you want finer control, I recommend to embed them into the document itself.