

Hey! This is Terminal Plus-Minus, a Hugo theme based from original Terminal originally developed by panr.

It is basically a recreation of the original theme with the following new and improved features:

  • Focused support for Asciidoctor-based content.

  • Removal of NodeJS dependencies through the use of Hugo asset bundling.

  • Easier configuration for site appearance

  • Using as a single homepage theme

  • Using as a blogging theme

  • Even using as both single homepage with a blog

This theme is made for performance and minimalism but you can make it bloated if you want. Here are the following features you can stick to this theme:

  • Static site engine widget (not recommended for large sites)

  • Support for RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds

  • MathJax support

  • Theme toggle (AKA dark mode)

  • Site breadcrumbs

  • Customizable social links

If you’re interested in trying this theme, you can visit the GitHub repo for more information. Feel free to file an issue for requesting features or bug reports and create a pull request.

You could also see the GitLab mirror if you’re mainly using GitLab.

You can also visit the GitHub repo of this demo, clone it, and experiment with the settings.

This theme is created and currently maintained by @foo-dogsquared. He also uses this theme for his blog and web portfolio, obviously. I guess you could say he’s dogfooding.